Meet The Members-Howard W

Howard W is a primary-care doctor and sociologist who has focused on community organizing and health in Illinois and previously in New Mexico, California, and Latin America. He is a founding member of Physicians for a National Health Program, which works for a single-payer national health program in the USA […]

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Moving Beyond Capitalism

Moving Beyond Capitalism – Now! (MBCN!) is a series of pamphlets/ manifestos that present brief, easy-to-understand, concrete descriptions about revolutionary actions that help us move beyond the global capitalist political-economic system. Atticus B, a founding member of Horizontal Stateline, is the lead author of Black Anarchism and the Black Radical […]

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Lee and Charmaine Schreiner Center for Peace and Justice

Lee and Charmaine Schreiner purchased an old residential/commercial building at 201 7th Street, Rockford, Illinois in 2005. They rented out five of the six apartments upstairs, keeping the sixth as a getaway for themselves and for others to use on an occasional basis. After they extensively renovated the downstairs, it became the home of Rockford […]

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