
The politics that Horizontal is dedicated to is perfectly embodied in the project to decolonize and democratize Mississippi and the southeastern region of the US. We encourage everybody to read about Cooperation Jackson. “We strive to build a democratic economy because it is the surest route to equity, equality, and […]

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Meet The Members-Howard W

Howard W is a primary-care doctor and sociologist who has focused on community organizing and health in Illinois and previously in New Mexico, California, and Latin America. He is a founding member of Physicians for a National Health Program, which works for a single-payer national health program in the USA […]

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Moving Beyond Capitalism

Moving Beyond Capitalism – Now! (MBCN!) is a series of pamphlets/ manifestos that present brief, easy-to-understand, concrete descriptions about revolutionary actions that help us move beyond the global capitalist political-economic system. Atticus B, a founding member of Horizontal Stateline, is the lead author of Black Anarchism and the Black Radical […]

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Lee and Charmaine Schreiner Center for Peace and Justice

Lee and Charmaine Schreiner purchased an old residential/commercial building at 201 7th Street, Rockford, Illinois in 2005. They rented out five of the six apartments upstairs, keeping the sixth as a getaway for themselves and for others to use on an occasional basis. After they extensively renovated the downstairs, it became the home of Rockford […]

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Another World Already Exists–a report from a 2017 visit to a Zapatista controlled area of Mexico

Between March 16 and March 28, 2017, I (Horizontal member David Black) participated in a Global Exchange “Reality Tour” of Chiapas, Mexico. Our local hosts in San Cristobal were from the peace group Sipaz and our hosts were both Spanish speaking citizens of the Netherlands.While the highlight of the trip […]

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